After a dismally dreary January and a particularly freezing cold February never has the month of March and early Spring been so welcome .... note to self 'never spend another Winter in this part of France!'

A morning's birding at the Etang de Beauvoir on the 11th March saw in my first Sedge Warbler along with a first record of Stock Dove for me in France (5 beating North), about 200 Common Cranes in adjacent fields (pic left), a couple of Black Redstarts and a splendid male Hen Harrier displaying in the sunshine. The 2nd week of March was also good for northward passage of Lapwings and Golden Plover with up to 800 of the former and 60 of the latter overhead on the 11th being typical numbers. Good to see a few Golden Plovers standing fields ... almost like being back in Yorkshire!
The first Swallow of the year is always a magic moment for us birders and although mine was a brief glimpse of one sat on telegraph wires on the 13th March as I was driving (just outside Saulge) it was as iconic and welcome as ever .... 'hurrah, sunny days are just around the corner!' that's what my first swallow always says to me! I actually saw the same bird on the same telegraph wire the next day and had to get out of the car just to make sure it was real (it was!)
There was a minor influx of thrushes on the 14th March with 10 Redwings, c25 Song Thrushes and c15 Mistle Thrushes in local fields but the very poor showing of Fieldfares continues with none at all recorded in either March or April around here.
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Etange des Landes |
On the way back I stopped off at Gueret and sat for half an hour on a bench I found at the top of one of the hills around there. It was just grand sitting in the sun and watching Chaffinches fly North over the tops of trees along with a couple of Skylarks, a Sparrowhawk and 4 Common Buzzards. Obviously a day for birds of all kinds to make a move!
The 26th of March seemed to be another good day for passage with clear skies and a slight easterly breeze. I didn't go very far, didn't have to ... just sat outside the barn and came on to a Black Stork circling on high, followed by an Osprey bombing North, followed in turn by a Black Kite floating in the same direction. I had my first House Martin shortly after that and to complete a full house of migrants over the barn I had 2 high flying Short Toed Eagles later on in the day.
A good haul of avian goodies for March so far you would think but the month had several other surprises up its sleeve yet with my earliest ever Hoopoe on the 30th (heard nr Saulge) and a Tawny Pipit on the same day in local fields. Corn Buntings landed in the area and were singing from this date too and there were 2 Red Crested Pochards on the Etang de Beavoir on the same date ... so, all in all a very good month.

More 'firsts of the year' during the month .... Tree Pipit (7th), Montagues Harrier (9th), Garden Warbler and Quail (both on the 13th and both heard and not seen!).

I was back in the UK for 2 weeks at the end of April and although I had just the one birding trip it was a good 'un .... a day out in the Derwent Valley. Already posted this of course but click here if you can't be bothered to scroll back!
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