Showing posts with label Ducks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ducks. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Festive season catch up - Lower Derwent Valley, Far Ings, Silton Forest and over wintering Blackcaps

To be fair, the baggins has had a lot on his plate recently and is hereby excused for not posting a single thing on here since last summer😜😜.

Seriously though, and not that this bothers me unduly, 'tis another consequence of  'getting on a bit', that inability to juggle quite so many balls in the air at the same time without falling down legs akimbo! Whatever, 😀 Mental health re frame required for reaching the age of 60 is under construction and work is progressing on schedule!

Enough of that rubbish. Here's a few of my wildlife highlights over the festive season.

Me n Mikey, Bubwith Ings, 10/01/20 (pic R. Marrs)

First off and fresh in the mind, a great day out around the LDV (Lower Derwent Valley) with good mates Mikey, Rob n Mark ...

A bright, crisp and sunny day, the kind we haven't had enough off this winter so far, and a joy to be out and about the floodplains.

Me n Mark, East Cottingwith, 10/01/20 (pic R. Marrs)
Aughton church from North Duffield, 10/01/20
Bubwith Ings, 10/01/20
Wigeon, East Cottingwith, 10/01/20

 Lots of birds around with 1000s of Wigeon, Mallard and Teal in the air along with smaller numbers of Pintail, Gadwall, Shoveler and a few Goosanders. At one point mid afternoon we reckoned on appx 7000 ducks flew over East Cottingwith into Wheldrake Ings

Wigeon, Bubwith Ings, 10/01/20

Ruff, in with Lapwing flocks, East Cottingwith, 10/01/20

Nowhere near the huge numbers of Lapwing that there used to be but comfortably 2000+ and in amongst these flocks just 2 Golden Plover (disappointing) but also 4 Ruff that I took to be Golden Plovers at the time till I zoomed in on the pic .. easy mistake to make!

2 Marsh Harriers patrolling the reeds over by Aughton provided us with constant entertainment as we sat in the hide at North Duffield, as did a single Water Rail creeping around the scrape there, and later on at Melbourne / Thornton Ings an even better treat - a female Merlin speeding over Church bridge and heading south looked to be joined by another. Uncommon birds in the York area so a good record. Just before dusk there appx 30 Corn Buntings flew over towards their usual roosting spot nr Thornton lock.

Marsh Harrier over Aughton, 10/01/20

Silton Forest, 09/01/20

Out on my own the day before I went up to Silton Forest, a forestry commission england site near Northallerton and on the western fringe of the north yorks moors. I was after some location shots for the new website and couldn't have picked a murkier day, but got what I went for in the end, and a pleasant walk in a pleasant forest to boot.

Not a great deal spotted - Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Jay, GS Woodpecker, Willow Tit and a small flock of Siskins.

Silton Forest, 09/01/20

Closer to home, my mother's house to be exact and out the back on the pond there have been up to 17 Goosanders throughout the winter so far, plus a Kingfisher, Great Crested Grebe and in the gardens backing on to the pond Redwings, a Fieldfare, Bullfinches and best of all at least 3 different over wintering Blackcaps - 2 males together a few weeks back and a few days later a male and female together. Great garden record, even managed to spot where one of them goes into roost - a neighbours acacia tree!

 All feeding on the last few Rowan berries and the fat balls of course!

Male Blackcap, York, 14/12/19

Redwing, York, 14/12/19

Goosander (female), York,
Bullfinch (male) 11/12/19

This past year has been like no other for me, much change and lots of ups and downs, the first year for decades that I haven't traveled abroad and the year I decided to give up living on a caravan site. All coming together now, thank god, and planning to be away again to mainland Europe in the spring after a short trip up to Scotland next month. In the meantime here's a few more selected pics from Dec/ Jan.

Goldfinch drinking, Askham Bog, 01/12/19

Pintail, Wheldrake Ings, 05/12/19

Stonechat, Pocklington Canal, 05/12/19,

Whooper Swans, Great Lake, Castle Howard, 09/12/19

Far Ings & Humber Bridge, 13/12/19

Far Ings & Humber Bridge, 13/12/19

Sparrowhawk, Far Ings, 13/12/19

Redwing, York, 14/12/19

Blackcap at roosting site, York, 31/12/19

Towards Wheldrake Ings from the Pocklington Canal, 31/12/19
 Happy 2020!😃😃😃

Thursday, 13 April 2017

A week around El Pinet, El Fondo & back up to the Pyrenees

Road Trip to Spain - El Pinet, El Fondo, Pyrenees and all the bits in between. March 17th - 27th
So here's the post I would have published 2 weeks ago had I not managed to trash my laptop on my travels. Covering the 10 day period from arriving at El Pinet to all the way back to the French side of the Pyrenees, there was enough here for 2 posts but I want to get back on top of the blog - so a brief round and then the pics.

The salt pans nr El Pinet was always going to be my final destination, I spent a week here last time around and knew I'd have a good spot to put the van, away from all the other campervans and right next to the salt pans. With the El Fondo reserve just 20 minutes away I knew that I'd add many new species to the trip list and so it proved. Despite unhelpful NW winds for much of the time it remained warm and sunny and the wind and with the wind switching around to the south towards the end of my stay there was always something happening, birds on the move, wild flowers sprouting and butterflies on the wing. A buddy up with fellow birder / photographer Paul Coombes  was useful and good fun, he knows the area better than me and thanks to him I added Black Wheatear, Blue Rock Thrush, Rock Bunting, Azure Winged Magpie and best of all Bonellis Eagles at a nest site. Bird migration was 'steady' rather spectacular - most obvious was the passage of Hirundines and Swifts with many Barn Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins heading north with Red Rumped Swallows, Pallid & Alpine Swifts in smaller numbers. Not masses of waders but both Teminck's and Little Stint were noticeable and Collared Pratincoles came in early. I had my first and only Wood Sandpiper and Whimbrel around here. Also my first and only Redstart, Black Eared Wheatear and towards the end of the week I was around El Pinet, the first Subalpine Warblers, Cuckoos and Willow Warblers. Shame I didn't manage a Hobby but Golden & Bonellis Eagle, Montagues Harrier and both Black and Egyptian Vulture in the Pyrenees more than made up! Including the birds I added in France I ended up with a total of 210 species in 5 weeks, not bad!

Here's the best of the pics starting with the El Pinet salt pans & El Fondo

Black Eared Wheatear, El Pinet, 24/03/2017

What a bird that was! It arrived on the morning I set off back up north and was pretty much my last record at El Pinet.

Mediterranean Gulls, El Pinet, 17/03/2017
c160 Med Gulls all told at El Pinet, here's a couple of close ups - they look stunning in full breeding plumage!

Mediterranean Gull, El Pinet, 17/03/2017
Mediterranean Gull, El Pinet, 17/03/2017

My home for a week ...
El Pinet van spot .. perfect!

Those lovely looking yellow flowers are in fact an invasive species - Bermuda Buttercup, all over this part of Spain like a yellow rash. Here's a few other 'wilder' bits n pieces of flora I found around and about here ...

Barbary Nut, 19/03/2017

Marsh Gladioli, 19/03/2017
 What a debate the above sparked up on a forum I use for 'ID'ing flora sp. Could be any of the following - Gladiolus dubious, G. illyricus, G. itallica or G. gallaeicicus ... Marsh Gladiolus for me!
Blue Pimpernel, all around the rough ground nr the van, 20/03/2017

Yellow Broomrape, on the beach nr the Santa Pola salt pans, 20/03/2017

Hotentot Fig, beach nr Santa Pola, 20/03/2107
Where's there's flowers and warmth there's usually butterflies and this magnificent Swallowtail was the best of 'em!
Swallowtail Butterfly, El Pinet, 18/03/2017
Location shots...

Salt Pans at El Pinet

High tide at El Pinet with Santa Pola beyond

One of the hides at El Pinet

That hide is where I've whiled away many an hour or two both this year and back in 2015. In front are the old salt pans and behind are dunes and then the sea. It's not a prime birding spot like El Fondo but it has its moments and this year I had Collared Pratincole, Little Stint, Greenshank, Redshank, Turnstone, Kentish Plover, Dunlin, Avocet (lots!), Common & Sandwich Tern and Alpine Swift from the above and most interesting for me the colony of Slender Billed Gulls all in pristine condition and strutting about in their territorial dance like little pink and white soldiers!

Slender Billed Gulls, El Pinet, 17/03/2017

Slender Billed Gulls, El Pinet, 17/03/2017
 .... and I couldn't resist yet another Audouin's Gull portrait pic!
Audouin's Gull, El Pinet, 20/03/2017

Around El Fondo ...
Stone Curlew, in fields around El Hondo, 17/03/2017

Pallid Swift, El Fondo, 17/03/2017

Black Winged Stilt, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Little Ringed Plover, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Red Crested Pochard, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Marbled Duck, El Fondo, 22/03/2017
 The new boardwalks around the visitor centre at El Fondo are great for getting the camera to grips with dragonflies .... the most numerous by far were these Vagrant Emporers
Vagrant Emporer, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Vagrant Emporer, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

White Headed Duck, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Red Knobbed Coot, El Fondo, 22/03/2017

Collared Pratincole, El Fondo, 17/03/2017

Collared Pratincole, El Fondo, 17/03/2017
Redstart, Torreviega, 23/03/2017

Montague's Harrier,Torreviega, 23/03/2017

Montague's Harrier,Torreviega, 23/03/2017

Not often you get to observe a pair of one of Europe's rarest eagles at a nest site and my guide come birding buddy Paul certainly earned his lunchtime bevvies with this one. Bonelli's Eagles & both birds showed well and although shooting from a distance the light was good and these are ok shots.
Bonelli's Eagle nesting site, nr Crevillente

Bonelli's Eagle, nr Crevillente, 22/03/2017

Bonelli's Eagle, nr Crevillente, 22/03/2017

Bonelli's Eagle, nr Crevillente, 22/03/2017

Bonelli's Eagle, nr Crevillente, 22/03/2017

Bonelli's Eagle, nr Crevillente, 22/03/2017

Griffon Vulture, en route to Belchite, 25/03/2017
My return trip up through Spain and into France via the Belchite Steppes was always going to be a bit of a slog - Belchite was great though (added Calandra, Short & Lesser Short Toed Larks, Black Bellied & Pin Tailed Sandgrouse and Golden Eagle) , Jaca less so (weekend and a stranded bus in the snow completely wrecked my plans!), a stop off nr Alcaniz brought my best ever Alpine Swift pics and then over on the French side of the Pyrenees in the Val d'Ossau a couple of completely unexpected species, Black and Egyptian Vulture - get in!

Alpine Swift, over Le Estanca, Alcaniz, 25/03/2017

Alpine Swift, over Le Estanca, Alcaniz, 25/03/2017

Belchite Steppes, 25/03/2017

Belchite Steppes, 25/03/2017

Juv Golden Eagle, Belchite, 25/03/2017
Juv Golden Eagle, Belchite, 25/03/2017

Juv Golden Eagle, Belchite, 25/03/2017

Nr Jaca, Spanish Pyrenees
Nr Jaca, Spanish Pyrenees

Val d'Ossau, French Pyrenees

Bedous, Val d'Ossau

Grey Wagtail, Bedous, 26/03/2017

Early Purple Orchid, Bedous, 26/03/2017
Black Vulture (record shot), Bedous, 26/03/2017

Egyptian Vulture, Bedous, 27/03/2017
Ok, almost done and if you've managed to scroll down this far very well done indeed! My last best pics on this leg were extremely fortuitous. Camped out in the Pyrenean village of Bedous and just about to head up through France, aided and abetted by the local butcher who puts offal out for the local Kites, I couldn't believe my luck when in amongst the scores of Red & Black Kites, Griffons and Buzzards, in came a couple of Egyptian Vultures. Mega French record for me and the early morning sunshine set them off to a tee!

Egyptian Vulture, Bedous, 27/03/2017

Egyptian Vulture, Bedous, 27/03/2017