Tuesday 10 May 2022

Hobbies arrive in force on Thorne Moor

The return of Hobbies, surely one of our most eye catching and entertaining falcons, is always eagerly anticipated by birdwatchers in the UK. Wintering in Africa they arrive up here in Yorkshire late April / early May and often congregate at favoured locations before dispersing to breed. Agile and fast they have no problem catching their food of choice - dragonflies, so Thorne Moor with its huge populations of such winged insects is Hobby central as far as Yorkshire is concerned. 

Thorne Moor

I missed them there last year but in 2020 I had 15ish along with a rare Red Footed Falcon. They must be wintering well because we had at least 25 and a few days later (May 9th) someone recorded an incredible 68! That's just mad but very welcome and bodes well for a good breeding season. 

Watching these red trousered aerial masters catching dragonflies in mid air above our heads with such ease was nothing short of awe inspiring. There was certainly no shortage of dragonflies - mainly 4 Spot Chasers, newly hatched we reckoned, and they were taking such a pasting that some of the Hobbies looked a a bit fat! Photography was tricky - light wasn't great and well these birds are fast, but I managed enough decent shots; here's 6 of the best ...

Hobbies, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Hobbies, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Hobby with dragonfly, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Hobby, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Hobby, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Hobby, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

These are the poor little chappies they were plucking out of the air ..

4 Spot Chaser, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

Elsewhere on Thorne we heard Common Cranes calling but didn't manage to spot them, a Little Owl on the way in (new bird for the year for me), several Yellow Wagtails, Cuckoo, at least 6 Cettis Warblers, a Peregrine and a single Swift on the way out.

Little Owl, Thorne Moor, 06/05/2022

The day before we were on nearby Hatfield Moor, not nearly as wild a place as Thorne but certainly more accessible! We had some good waders on the wet peatlands including both Ringed and Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, plus Curlew, Oystercatcher, Redshank and Lapwing, at least 3 Cuckoos, lots of singing warblers and several Stonechats

Hatfield Moor

Much better light for photography, I even managed a passable shot of one of the Little Ringed Plovers in display flight and you can't beat a golden hour shot of a Redshank!

Redshank, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

Curlew, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

Ringed Plover, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

Displaying Little Ringed Plover, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

Displaying Little Ringed Plover, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

Singing Stonechat, Hatfield Moor, 05/05/2022

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