Sunday 18 November 2012

At last a bright sunny day in York.

At last a bright and sunny day here in Yorkshire. I got myself out of course but alas my time was limited due to getting up late after some impromptu music (plus alcohol) last night with my sister and Mark and to boot my chosen destination, Strensall Common, was also the destination of many others plus their dogs ..... hardly saw a thing. A few Goldcrests,  Long Tailed Tits, Redwings, a couple of nice Bullfinches and a Great Spotted Woodpecker. Nothing came near enough to photograph apart from this rather obliging and Common Pheasant .... no it's not stuffed, he's just posing!!

Judging by the local weather forecast I may have a few hours tomorrow morning before the rain sets in for any birding or photography, in the meantime I still have some goodies from Sri Lanka to post including good Brahminy Kite shots and with nothing I want to watch on TV until later I may post again this evening.

Friday 16 November 2012

Sri Lankan odds and ends (plants and trees)

Ok, this is the first of a 2 or 3 Sri Lankan 'stocking fillers' .... the result of reviewing and selecting some of the hundreds of photographs I took whilst we were there. This mini post is devoted to the flora in and around our base near Ngombo and many of these pics were taken in and around the hotel grounds.

Like many tropical countries, there are of course a huge array of colourful plants and trees just about everywhere you look and I'm slightly disappointed that I didn't take more advantage but here's a small selection of Sri Lankan colour.



Blue Lotus flowers (or Purple Water Lilly) were growing inside the hotel complex and although lacking a bit of definition I was reasonably pleased with this passing shot.

Bouganvillea was everywhere in Sri Lanka and again this was one of several bushes within the hotel ... can you smell it yet?!

Red Hibiscus flower, outrageously exotic and part of a whole bush that had outgrown a nearby garden.

Had to google the name of this one, it's called Rathmal or Jungle Flame and again it grows everywhere.
The mysterious White Frangipani, the fragrant flower and source of many a candle and incense burner actually has no nectar and is often associated with death in Buddhist and Hindu culture.