All started out quite tame ... just a couple of Spars out a hunting
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
..... all going so well and then it got kinda nasty!
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
Not sure if this was the winner or the loser but with normal service resumed after all the commotion it was the sharpest pic!
Sparrowhawk wars, Buckton, 11/09/15 |
I've never seen Sparrowhawks being so aggressive with one another, in fact not common to see this much interaction between birds that are more often than not seen as lone hunters.