Monday, 13 January 2014

Cracking finch flocks, a confiding woodpecker and some crisp winter sunshine eases the post Spain blues

After my travels in Spain I have to admit I'm struggling a wee bit with my 'get up and go' as far as local nature trekking is concerned and quite frankly feel a bit 'birded out', but with a trip up to Wykeham Forest in the offing soon and hopefully a chance of Crossbills (a bird I've never photographed before) and maybe even a lucky Goshawk or 2 if my guide is up to the challenge .... (no pressure there then Mikey!), I'm slowly getting back to grips with a Yorkshire winter and easing my way back into work. Already champing at the bit for another trip away somewhere!

Common Buzzard mob, Elvington 2nd Jan 2014

Meanwhile, I've done my best to make the most of the few good weather days up here in Yorkshire and a recent trip to Elvington Woods, nr Wheldrake Ings, produced a few good finch flocks, Fieldfares and, Mistle Thrushes in the fields, Skylarks overhead and the daily mobbing routine of the local Buzzards by Carrion Crows ...

Stacks of Bullfinches about too but not enough males posing for my camera and great to see my first Whooper Swans of the year at Wheldrake too ...  too distant for my lens alas.

My home from home at Askham Bog though has once again come up with the goods with all the common winter visitors ... Redwing, Fieldfare, Goldcrest, Siskin, Redpoll, Marsh & Willow Tit all showing well plus a relatively confiding Great Spotted Woodpecker .....
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Askham Bog

Great Spotted Woodpecker, Askham Bog

There's a Kingfisher here too at the moment offering fleeting views as it darts along the drains and dykes... sneaking up on it and getting a decent pic will be a challenge (especially as I'm likely to be working!)

Siskins have been relatively abundant on the Bog recently and although they race through the Alders, a few tarry and provide the odd good shot ....
Siskin, Askham Bog, Jan 2014

Siskin, Askham Bog, Jan 2014
Common Redpoll, (male) Strensall Common
Not as crisp as either the weather over the last couple of days or those lovely Siskins at Askham, these pictures of Redpolls are just typical of the ones I've seen recently ..... half hidden, top of the trees, but always entertaining! These were on Strensall Common today and part of a flock of 60 or so.

Again plenty of Bullfinches with at least 10 seen along with a big flock of about 200 Chaffinches and a similar number of Fieldfares... all a bit quiet apart from that though.

Common Redpoll, (female) Strensall Common

Common Redpoll, Strensall