Showing posts with label Lincolnshire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lincolnshire. Show all posts

Friday 19 August 2016

High Summer around Yorkshire and Lincs, butterflies at last and returning waders

Well that's another Summer nearly over and, barring a wet spell in June, not a bad one weather wise. I'm looking forward to the autumn colours now, not least because after many months of frustration I finally have my investment property in Hull and will have a bit more time on my hands. Feels like ages since I posted on here back in June and I'd half expected to get all my business sorted, buy a small camper and do a bit of traveling in the UK. No worries, an enforced lapse into mid summer slumber, playing my guitar at campsite socials has been a heap of fun and of course I've managed to squeeze in a few trips out, mainly local plus a 3 day excursion to the Lincolnshire coast. So in no particular order here are my high summer pics neatly themed into butterflies, dragonflies, wild flowers, birds and landscapes.

Banded Demoiselle, Howsham Mill, 20/07/16

Here's my haul of decent butterfly and dragonfly pics with the odd moth thrown in there too

Broad Bodied Chaser, North Cave, 21/07/16

Common Blue (female), Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16

Common Blue (male), Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16

This next one was new for me, much more widespread down south, its an Essex Skipper and almost identical to the more familiar Little Skipper apart from the black tips on their antennae. They're spreading northwards but still scarce in Yorkshire and this one was just across the Humber in Lincs at Donna Nook.

Essex Skipper, Donna Nook (lincs), 27/07/16
Small Skipper, North Cave, 21/07/16

Not a great comparison pic but here's a Little Skipper

Gatekeeper, North Cave, 21/07/16

6 spot Burnett, Donna Nook, 27/07/16

Marbled White, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16

 This was a sight for sore eyes too, never abundant and a Yorkshire first for me

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Cropton Forest, 12/07/16

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Cropton Forest, 12/07/16

Common Darter (female), North Cave, 21/07/16

Birdies next; July is never a great time for birding but the month had its moments, especially towards the end with masses of early returning waders around the Wash.

Dunlin flock, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16

Greenshank, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16

Whimbrel, Donna Nook, 27/07/16
Black Tailed Godwit, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

Nothing better than seeing migrating birds, the Whimbrels above were just a few of maybe 60 or so we saw flying overhead around the Wash. At RSPB reserve Frampton Marsh we had many thousands of waders - Black Tailed Godwit, Redshank, Avocet, Lapwing & Dunlin made up the vast majority but also Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Knot, Bar Tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank and a surprise rarity - a White Rumped Sandpiper

Black Tailed Godwits, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

Black Tailed Godwits, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

Dunlin, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

White Rumped Sandpiper with Dunlins, Frampton Marsh, 29/07/16

Some selected raptors, starting with the best pic - a stunning female Sparrowhawk in the road and stood on top of a recent kill (looks like an ex wood pigeon to me!)

Sparrowhawk, Wharram le Street, 06/07/16

Marsh Harrier, Humber, 21/07/16

During an unsuccessful attempt at tracking down a reported and scarce Montague's Harrier around the Humber we spent a pleasurable few hours watching the comings and goings of birds on the estuary, including at least 5 Marsh Harriers.

Hobby, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16
I photographed at least 4 different Hobby's during the Lincolnshire trip and got lots of blurry grey / blue  shapes always going away but this one sailed right overhead, caught a dragonfly in mid air and I managed an in focus shot of it eating on the wing.

This time of year there's lots of juvenile birds about and they all need feeding! This Sedge Warbler is clearly a youngster ....

Sedge Warbler (juv), Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16
.... and guess what he's having for supper!

Sedge Warbler (juv), Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

At any tern colony around this time of year you'll see almost continuous feeding by the adults in order to get their young fledged and flying. I photographed these Common Terns at North Cave Wetlands where both young and old seemed to be thriving.

Common Tern, North Cave, 21/07/16
Common Tern, North Cave, 21/07/16
Reed Warbler, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

Yellow Wagtail, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16

Here's a little floral selection ...

Pyramidal Orchid, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16

Marsh Woundwort, River Derwent, 20/07/16

Harebell, Fangfoss, 18/07/16

Common Cranesbill, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16

Rosebay Willowherb, Fangfoss, 20/07/16
.... and here's a few landscapes that captured my imagination during July

Cropton Forest, July, 2016

Donna Nook, July, 2016

Donna Nook, July, 2016

Faxfleet, July, 2016

Faxfleet, July, 2016

Gibralter Point, July, 2016

Gibralter Point, July, 2016

Roe Deer, Cropton Forest, July, 2016

Thursday 29 May 2014

Norfolk road trip Pt1 - White blobs on the Wash and scarce butterflies at Snettisham

So after the trials and tribulations of my aborted trip to the Somerset Levels and all the domestic 'busyness' surrounding my house sale, it was time to take a breather and head off in the new van.
My good friend Robin was free and came along for the ride and good news about my regular walkabout pal Mark .. he's gonna walk again!

The new van!

I Haven't  been to Norfolk for nigh on 15 years so reckoned it was time to revisit and the plan was to split 5 days (Mon - Fri) between the North Norfolk coast and the Broads, chill out with my guitar, Rob's cahon, the local flora n fauna and test drive the van that will be my roving home for a while once my house is sold.

Thankfully, large chunks of Norfolk are still a relative backwater in the UK (and I mean that in the nicest possible way)... few major access roads and lots of narrow winding ones - perfect! In short we had a cracking few days and with both of us snapping away far too much material for one post so here's the first of 3 or 4, starting bizarrely with our last port of call on the way back .... who needs order in the natural world!

Snettisham & The Wash
One of the largest estuaries in the UK with Norfolk on one side and Lincolnshire on the other, this is more than just a vast expanse of mud. Its a designated SPA (special protected area) and home to countless wading birds, ducks and geese, especially during the winter when its estimated that some 400,000 may be present at any one time (more info here - The Wash ).

Greylag Geese with chicks, Snettisham

The few hours we spent at Snettisham RSPB reserve were bathed in sunshine and the wet and wonderfully lush meadows that border the reserve were teeming with bird and insect life with many chicks taking their first steps.

The bushes were full of the sound of scratchy Common Whitethroats plus at least 2 Lesser Whitethroats, Reed Buntings and pleasingly good numbers of Linnets.

Female Linnet, Snettisham

Female Reed Bunting with bugs in its beak, Snettisham

Cuckoo calling from a way off, Snettisham

Cuckoos seem to me to have made a mini revival this year, we heard and saw many in Norfolk and back on my own patch one has been calling from my neighbourhood for the past week. This was a distant shot but came out ok and typical 'wings down' pose is shown off a treat here.

Brown Argus, Snettisham

The sun brought out the butterflies and amongst the brilliant Common Blues we spotted a handful of the locally scarce Brown Argus ... rubbish pic but hey it was a first for me so had to include it as a record!

The Blues were far easier, nonetheless this isn't far off as good as it gets of a nice bright male ... corker of a shot Rob!

Common Blue, Snettisham (pic by Robin Marrs)

Snettisham is renowned for the huge gatherings of migrating waders that gather there to feed on the mud and perform their spectacular aerial displays as they follow the tides .... this mighty fine pic, one of Chris Gomersall's (RSPB), gives you a fair idea!

We weren't blessed with such numbers!

Oystercatchers, Snettisham

...... but we were treated to some spectacular views across the Wash at low tide with a heat haze making distant Lincolnshire look rather more interesting than it actually is!
The Wash, from Snettisham towards the Lincolnshire coast.

Common Shelduck, Snettisham
and in the foreground those little white blobs you can just about make out are lots of these - we estimated close on 800 Shelduck resting up on the mudflats! Also spied a couple of summer plumage Grey Plovers when I zoomed in on some of these pics.
The vistas here are big and bold, typical 'estuary meets saltmarsh' you see around our coast I suppose, but here in Norfolk the surrounding fields seem more natural, lusher, less intensively farmed maybe, more 'hay rich' certainly and the consequent abundance of wildlife was very very obvious.
Young bucks (Roe deer?) with Greylag Geese, fields around Snettisham.

Next and coming up soon is Sandringham / Dersingham Bog and Cley Marshes