Well that's another Summer nearly over and, barring a wet spell in June, not a bad one weather wise. I'm looking forward to the autumn colours now, not least because after many months of frustration I finally have my investment property in Hull and will have a bit more time on my hands. Feels like ages since I posted on here back in June and I'd half expected to get all my business sorted, buy a small camper and do a bit of traveling in the UK. No worries, an enforced lapse into mid summer slumber, playing my guitar at campsite socials has been a heap of fun and of course I've managed to squeeze in a few trips out, mainly local plus a 3 day excursion to the Lincolnshire coast. So in no particular order here are my high summer pics neatly themed into butterflies, dragonflies, wild flowers, birds and landscapes.
Banded Demoiselle, Howsham Mill, 20/07/16 |
Here's my haul of decent butterfly and dragonfly pics with the odd moth thrown in there too
Broad Bodied Chaser, North Cave, 21/07/16 |
Common Blue (female), Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16 |
Common Blue (male), Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16 |
This next one was new for me, much more widespread down south, its an Essex Skipper and almost identical to the more familiar Little Skipper apart from the black tips on their antennae. They're spreading northwards but still scarce in Yorkshire and this one was just across the Humber in Lincs at Donna Nook.
Essex Skipper, Donna Nook (lincs), 27/07/16 |
Small Skipper, North Cave, 21/07/16 | | | | | | |
Not a great comparison pic but here's a
Little Skipper
Gatekeeper, North Cave, 21/07/16 |
6 spot Burnett, Donna Nook, 27/07/16 |
Marbled White, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16 |
This was a sight for sore eyes too, never abundant and a Yorkshire first for me
Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Cropton Forest, 12/07/16 |
Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Cropton Forest, 12/07/16 |
Common Darter (female), North Cave, 21/07/16 |
Birdies next; July is never a great time for birding but the month had its moments, especially towards the end with masses of early returning waders around the Wash.
Dunlin flock, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16 |
Greenshank, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16 |
Whimbrel, Donna Nook, 27/07/16 |
Black Tailed Godwit, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
Nothing better than seeing migrating birds, the
Whimbrels above were just a few of maybe 60 or so we saw flying overhead around the Wash. At RSPB reserve
Frampton Marsh we had many thousands of waders -
Black Tailed Godwit, Redshank, Avocet, Lapwing &
Dunlin made up the vast majority but also
Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Knot, Bar Tailed Godwit, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank and a surprise rarity - a
White Rumped Sandpiper
Black Tailed Godwits, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
Black Tailed Godwits, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
Dunlin, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
White Rumped Sandpiper with Dunlins, Frampton Marsh, 29/07/16 |
Some selected raptors, starting with the best pic - a stunning female Sparrowhawk in the road and stood on top of a recent kill (looks like an ex wood pigeon to me!)
Sparrowhawk, Wharram le Street, 06/07/16 |
Marsh Harrier, Humber, 21/07/16 |
During an unsuccessful attempt at tracking down a reported and scarce
Montague's Harrier around the
Humber we spent a pleasurable few hours watching the comings and goings of birds on the estuary, including at least 5
Marsh Harriers.
Hobby, Gibralter Point, 29/07/16 |
I photographed at least 4 different
Hobby's during the
trip and got lots of blurry grey / blue shapes always going away but
this one sailed right overhead, caught a dragonfly in mid air and I
managed an in focus shot of it eating on the wing.
This time of year there's lots of juvenile birds about and they all need feeding! This Sedge Warbler is clearly a youngster ....
Sedge Warbler (juv), Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
.... and guess what he's having for supper!
Sedge Warbler (juv), Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
At any tern colony around this time of year you'll see almost continuous feeding by the adults in order to get their young fledged and flying. I photographed these Common Terns at North Cave Wetlands where both young and old seemed to be thriving.
Common Tern, North Cave, 21/07/16 |
Common Tern, North Cave, 21/07/16 |
Reed Warbler, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
Yellow Wagtail, Frampton Marsh, 28/07/16 |
Here's a little floral selection ...
Pyramidal Orchid, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16 |
Marsh Woundwort, River Derwent, 20/07/16 |
Harebell, Fangfoss, 18/07/16 |
Common Cranesbill, Wharram Quarry, 06/07/16 |
Rosebay Willowherb, Fangfoss, 20/07/16 |
.... and here's a few landscapes that captured my imagination during July
Cropton Forest, July, 2016 |
Donna Nook, July, 2016 |
Donna Nook, July, 2016 |
Faxfleet, July, 2016 |
Faxfleet, July, 2016 |
Gibralter Point, July, 2016 |
Gibralter Point, July, 2016 |
Roe Deer, Cropton Forest, July, 2016 |