Some more, in fact quite a lot more, bird pics from Sri Lanka to bring a taste of the exotic to those of you currently shivering a bit to the north of the equator! Its maybe worth mentioning that this was a holiday for me and Gabz,
not a birding trip. Apart from one visit to the Wilpattu reserve these are all shot within a few metres of our hotel,
Ranwelli holiday village and like anywhere on the sub continent its clearly a hotspot for all kinds of birds, animals and flowers ..... there's also millions of people and they all seem to have at least 2 dogs so if you want to birdwatch do some research and my advice is to stick to the 20 or so national reserves!
Anyway, back to the birds, and in no particular order .............
This is a female Asian Koel, incredibly shy birds and this was shot across the river and cropped to hell!

Equally shy and typically elusive during daylight hours I was lucky to look up and see this
Black Crowned Night Heron standing stock rigid during a riverside walk.

Into the light and although not shot in the best of light this
Blue Tailed Beeater strikes a typical post as it waits for passing bugs!
Another bug, this time in the 'Blogger' system, is currently preventing the resizing of anything more than 2 or 3 pics per post but until its sorted just click on them to enlarge.

There were plenty of terns passing south the whole time we were there, not all of them positively id'd as many were immature / going into winter plumage and decidedly tricky! These are definitely
Great Crested Terns (
pic right) but what about the 2nd one? Saw many similar to this and still not sure but I'm thinking
Roseate Terns
A short walk out of the hotel and I found a small haven of semi jungle area by the river, I was soon disturbed by barking dogs from the nearest habitation of course but not before I'd spied a couple of woodpeckers across the river. They turned out to be
Greater Flamebacks .... shame I couldn't get closer and at some 200 metres away this is just about maximum range for my lens. Still a reasonable ID shot though!
Indian Mynah birds were by far and away the commonest small bird ..... quirky, comical and of course great mimics. Sadly many of these end up in gilded cages for this ability, but I guess there's enough of them so hardly endangered as a species. Quite a good article here on them -
Mynah birds
Have to say I'm not a great fan of crows, intelligent they may be but they do predate nests on a huge scale all over the world. Having said that the
House Crows in Sri Lanka were quite fun to watch ..... they scavenge on anything edible of course but they also pick up anything shiny, presumably for nest decoration, and one of these blighters flew away with a packet of my tobacco! Would have made for a classic picture but I was so shocked .... I ran after the offending corvidt until he dropped it (contents spilled of course!)
The other common species of crow over there were
Thick Billed or
Jungle Crows which seemed to dwell mainly on the beach.
There was a pair of
Brahminy Kites that flew over the hotel every day, usually mid afternoon, and seemed to be feeding on the sea. I saw them stooping and carrying off big fish on at least 2 occasions whilst we were on the beach .... both times my camera was back in the hotel room of course!

I expected to see more waders on the beach than I did but apart from a few groups of migrating
Whimbrel and the occasional
Common Sandpiper all I had were
Red Wattled Lapwings but like many of the common birds in Sri Lanka this was of course a new bird for me and very photographable, especially in flight. (
pics right & below)

Here's a couple of pictures of a
Common Sandpiper, (
above and left) one of the most globally widespread of waders in typical pose and location (
above) but less typical in the 2nd pic .... almost looks like its about to nest on the beach!
Away from the hotel was a different story. I've already posted on our trip out to the Wilpattu reserve (
Wilpattu Safari) and commented on the limited photographic opportunities for birds but here's a couple of distant shots I've had to significantly crop to make a picture, at some cost to image quality alas.

The first shows a group of
Pheasant Tailed Jacanas involved in some kind of squabble and the second features from left to right,
Black Headed Ibis, a familiar
Black Winged Stilt and a
Lesser Adjutant Stork. When I scanned more pics I was able to identify other waders such as
Greenshank and
Marsh Sandpiper but no way could I make them into pictures.

There were lots of storks and allied water birds at
Wilpattu and wish I'd had time to get to grips with them but maybe another time if I get the chance. The jeep did pass close enough for me to get this reasonable picture of a
Woolly Necked Stork as the Germans in the back seat gazed at a herd of deer.

Back at the hotel and this pic is just so typical of a bird I tried so hard to capture, a
White Breasted Waterhen .... they were always walking away from me!

And finally, I've babbled on for far too long so I may end up looking like one of these ........
Yellow Beaked Babblers!